Expand and manage your practice
Access patients and their medical records online
Provide efficient consultation
The world’s first patient-owned medical record gives you real-time access to patient information to provide efficient consultations.
MedePOD benefits
Expand your practice
Access patient's medical record
Automate your services
Expand your practice
No paperwork – Spend more time with patients and make a real difference.
Flexibility – Schedule appointments from wherever you and at the time that works best for you.
Immediate income – Manage your own practice and receive income immediately following consultation.
Access patient medical records
Access medical records – Patients have full control over their medical records stored securely. With their permission, you can access their medical records.
Access investigations and imaging – You can access patient investigations and imaging with their permission.
Manage clinical notes – Your clinical notes are visible to the patient and are recorded on their system. You can read other doctors’ notes to offer a well-informed consultation.
It’s easy to build your online practice
Step 1
Fill in your data and upload your credentials. Receive professional fees in your account directly. We’ll complete a thorough credential check to protect both you and your patients.
Step 2
You’ll be guided through our unique system and shown the simple steps to quickly build your online practice.
Step 3
Once your credentials are verified you can set your schedule and start seeing patients.
Automate your services
Order medicines online – Generate prescriptions automatically and refill as needed.
Order investigations online – Order investigations and imaging online from a network of organisations.
Make referrals – Make referrals to other health and care professionals and organisations by connecting to myMedePOD growing universe.
Personalised healthcare at scale
Built for engagement – We understand how to attract, engage and retain clients. We have strong initial activation rates of 25-30% and 50% of customers are still active after 12 months.
Unlimited scalability – Our fully automated software-based solution allows for scalability, not achievable under models that depend on human intervention.
Globalised to be localised – We are committed to evidence-based best medical practice, and our platform is adapted to meet the needs of patients internationally, providing a consistent, scalable and measurable solution.
What our doctors say about us
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